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Erika's Elite Fleet Unit

Monthly Prizes

Don't leave yours sitting on the Table!!




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 New Consultant Prizes (you are eligible for these only your first 30 days)

Refer to your New Consultant Coupon Book for prizes!

Regular Consultant Recognition

 Your Weekly Sales-

You turn in how much you have sold since the last meeting.  This has nothing to do with how much you have ordered.  This is how much you have sold.  Turn it in on your weekly summary sheet online or at the meeting.  You will receive Newsletter Recognition for your sales and once per month we will recognize our QUEEN's of Unit Sales!

 New consultant pinning-It is your responsibility to buy a pin for your new recruits.  You can get them on section 2 of the order form they are called MK LOGO pins.  I suggest ordering 1 each time you place an order.

 Senior Consultant enhancer-Is given when you have one active recruit.  That means they have placed their first order. 

Star Recruiter- is given with 3 active recruits.

Team Leader-5 active recruits

Future Sales Director-8 Active recruits.

 Weekly Challenge-we offer a weekly challenge at the end of meetings from time to time for a prize, other times for "Bragging Rights!".

Please also know how many bookings you have at each meeting and the number of team building appointments you have done for the month.

Prizes will only be awarded at the meetings unless you are out of town. 

Thank you so much for your help!

Company challenges:

·          STAR CONSULTANT 1800+ wholesale orders in the current quarter for a prize of your choice! (that can be broken down to $600 or more wholesale monthly or $300 in retail sales or more weekly!)

·          Court of Sharing 24 new qualified team members by June 30th, 2006; diamond bumble bee jewelry

·          Court of Sales $36,000 retail by June 30th, 2006; Gorgeous diamond/gemstone jewelry of choice!

   OUR NEXT QUARTERLY CONTEST will be in March with guests Speaker PAM COX! More details soon...

Go team, go!